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Members/Participants Release and Waiver of Liability

Canoe Cruisers Association of Greater Washington, DC

Members/Participants Release and Waiver of Liability

Print or Download PDF  CCA Release and Waiver of Liability


 1.                    I declare that I fully understand and voluntarily assume the following risks. Boating on whitewater rivers exposes me to various life threatening dangers, known and unknown, for example: boulders or other obstacles, strainers, ledges, undercut or entrapping formations, holes and hydraulics, high water, cold conditions, and changing conditions, mostly in remote locations.


 2.                    Intending to be legally bound for all time, I hereby release and waive, for myself, family and heirs, any right to sue or claim against the Canoe Cruisers Association (the "Club"), its members, officers, trip coordinators, or any of my fellow paddlers, for any injuries to myself or my equipment which may occur during a club trip, class or activity. The release and waiver applies to any negligent act or omission and to any intentional act or omission intended to promote my safety or well-being. I understand that, generally speaking, negligence means a failure to do an act which a reasonably careful person would do, or the doing of an act which a reasonably careful person would not do, under the same or similar circumstances, to protect himself or herself, or others, from accident, injury or death.


 3.                    I agree to be solely responsible for my own safety and to take every reasonable precaution to provide for my own safety and well-being while participating in a trip or activity sponsored or conducted by the Club. This release and waiver is given in the interest of permitting the Club to exist and to serve the paddling community, and to enable myself and my fellow paddlers to feel free to donate our services and help each other without fear of liability. My release is given in exchange for similar waivers to be granted on my behalf by other members of the Club.   My waiver has no expiration date.

Parents or Guardians of Minors: I am the parent or guardian of the minor (s) listed as club members or event participants and I consent to the terms of this release and waiver on behalf of the named minor participants, and I further agree to indemnify the Club, its members, officers, instructors and trip coordinators for any claims arising from the participation of the named minor participant.


By joining the Canoe Cruisers Association, taking a CCA class, participating in a CCA event or going on a CCA Trip, you agree to these conditions.



            _______________________________                      _______________________________

            Signature                                                                    Signature


            _______________________________                      _______________________________

            Print Name                                                                 Print Name


            ___________________                                              ___________________

            Date                                                                            Date




            Names of Minors

 Print or Download PDF  CCA Release and Waiver of Liability