CCA Membership
If you are not a member, please consider joining us. Our club offers many benefits. See About CCA for more information.
Annual Dues
Our annual dues are $20 per year if you receive our newsletter, the Cruiser, by email and $30 per year if you choose to receive the Cruiser by mail. We also offer a lifetime membership for $500. Dues are the same for individual and family memberships. Family memberships cover your household and minor children.
Join CCA or Renew Your Membership Online
If you have been a CCA member in recent years, you are already in the database.
Please click Member Login and request a user name and password.
We encourage everyone to Join CCA or Renew your membership on this website. It is faster for you, and saves work for our Membership Chair, who would have to enter the information for you. You will have the choice of paying by check or secure credit card transaction. If you choose to pay by check, please print out the invoice and send it in with your check.
Join CCA or Renew Your Membership by Mail
If you wish to Join CCA or Renew your Membership by mail, click the link below to open our membership form. Please enter your information directly on the form, then print the form and mail it to the address at the bottom of the form, along with your check. Make checks payable to CCA.
CCA Membership Form