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Trip Reports

Sunday Paddle at the Chutes @ 2.7ft on Little Fall...
Pamela White
We had 5 kayaks, a SUP, and a canoe today.  Kayakers were Kathleen, Bill Branson, Barb, Alf, and Pam.  On the SUP was Chad Dear, and our lone canoeist was Mike K (both new to our group).  We paddled up to the chutes to play in the Maryland and Virginia sides.  We portaged the middle chute and paddled up through the gorge to play at Wet Bottom.  After getting our fill of Wet Bottom we paddled back downstream to play a bit more in the chutes.  Little Falls gauge read 2.7.  We were on the water by 9 and off by about 12:30, with everyone tired and happy with our morning excursion.  
Alford Cooley
But we should also report the pinnacle of the day's labors:  about the four Amazons on SUPs at Wet-Bottom, one of whom managed to attain up that formidable obstacle - which Barb, Alf, Bill, and Kathleen miserably failed at.
Pamela White
Your efforts, however, were to be applauded.  Which I did, from a relatively calm eddy.  
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