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Violette's Lock Sunday 25 Aug Trip Report
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At the mouth of the canal, looking back toward the river, I did see a boat that might have been the DNR. This was about 7:45 am. It was an unusually large boat for that section, and I wondered what it was planning to do...

I went out before you guys (as has been the case all season pretty much), and there is an almost river-length log extending across the "first" rapid (the one after the cone-shaped rock area, some may consider that the first rapid though). I think it was mentioned earlier, but I was under the impression that it appeared closer to the "hole" rapid. So, I actually touched the log with my boat (and hand), and was able to back paddle and then turn 180-degrees to ferry to the left side and regroup to re-plan my strategy. Unfortunately, that whole rapid is "ruined" by not only that log, but a subsequent one further down. It's unfortunate because it's a nice rapid that offers good practice in ferrying, surfing and attaining for beginners (i.e., without a big risk of flipping).

The next rapid brought out a case of something that looked like seat cushions (maybe those are the PFDs found by Gary?). I think exit rapid also brought out a surprise item, but can't remember what.

So, for me, it was definitely more eventful than it has been in past weeks...

The Sunday CCA Violettes Lock Trip was a beautiful day with a low water level. The exact level is unknown as the USGS gauge is off line. Probably around 2.8 or so. The lovely weather brought out 22 paddlers in 21 boats. Things were a little confused at the start and so we may not have the names of all the participants. We split into a fast and slow group: In the fast group we had OC2 Mike and Elizabeth; OC1 Tim T; K1 Mikey B, Alf C, Hildy F, Pam W and John S. (As Inspector Renault says after Rick shoots Major Strasser, “… all the usual suspects.”) The slow group was made up of OC1s Rich C, Gary and Ginny Q; C-1 J. Robbins; K1s Toni B, Bruce C, Brian C, Dean H, Natalie H, Lisa L, Tim P, Gary S, Mar S and in an inflatable, George F.  Or as Inspector Renault also says “…twice the usual suspects”. 


We had some excitement on the way over. A fishermen at the top of Seneca Breaks warned us that the Maryland DNR was keeping folks 200 ft from the VA shore line (aka Trump's golf course). However we pushed on and didn’t find any. We then broke up into two groups and went down river.


Hikers along the trail offered the fast group their dog but we declined the honor. The slow group had one issue at surfer’s wave.

There is a long stream-wide pole (9" diameter) extending, just at the surface, across the GWC about 50 yards above Surfer's Ledge. Very dangerous, though the current above it is slight. Avoid it by paddling along the left bank. Calleva has been notified in the expectation that they will clear it out as they always do. (N.B. - Some kind soul had removed the downed tree that was obstructing the MD-bank takeout at Blockhouse Point.) 

Otherwise a pretty uneventful trip on a lovely day.  The fast group did some litter control and took a plastic chair back up the canal (those tandems work great for that sort of stuff). The turtle count was a disappointing 3 or 4.


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