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Trip Reports

George Washington Canal @ 2.70' - July 28,2024
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We had nine participants (Alf C, Diane H, Kathleen S, Lisa W, Mikey B, Mar S, Margo R {PFD}, Tina & Wayne McD), including one first-timer and two second-timers and all paddled elegantly, with no carnage to report. There were many sightings of wildlife - a fox in the Violette’s Lock parking lot, a siege of white egrets on the Potomac, bald eagles at both the entrance to the GWC and when exiting it, and the usual collection of great blue herons. Alas the C&O Canal’s turtle population continues to be almost non-existent. (a single tiny one) The low water level (2.70’) was conducive to lots of surfing including some paddle twirling (aka showboating) at Surfer’s Ledge. The NHP having recently filled it to the brim, the C&O Canal is at an excellent level for a loop trip. However, one small tree has fallen into the Canal 300 yds from Violettes Lock, Suggest the next trip bring a bow saw to remove it. (Alf)

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